Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This is me today taking my typing class. I asked Mama to take a picture of me. I really like it...I am getting faster and faster. Sometimes, I don't have to look down at my hands. Daddy watched me.


  1. It is wonderful that you are learning so young. I didn't learn until I was in high school and really am still not very good. You are doing so well. Keep up the good work :O)

  2. The Lord Jesus has blessed you so much Allyson... you get to be home schooled by your loving mother, you get to help your hard working daddy with a lovly garden, you have such a wonderful family, you have a great church, a beautiful home, and you get to enjoy all the fun things like: computers, chickens, little brothers, ice skating, pony camp, and the all the other stuff you get to do!!!!!

  3. You look like a typing expert already, Allyson. How many words can you type a minute? Let me know after you take your first typing test.

  4. I learned to type when I was little too, Allyson. Grandmother taught me how to type on a real typewriter. Remember that, Mama?

    Did Jane give you all those scratches you have on your hands?

  5. You look really great, Ally, but one thing you need to improve on is how you sit. You are too below the keyboard. You will hurt your wrists eventually like Aunt Kristin if you keep sitting like this. Make sure you are above the keyboard and your elbows are resting near your sides. I CANT BELIEVE YOU ARE ALREADY LEARNING TO TYPE. I always knew you were going to take after me.
